STICK FLY by Lydia R. Diamond
Directed by Mark B. Moore
Assisted by Byron Turner
Audition Dates:
Sunday October 23, 4:00 PM
Monday October 24, 6:30:PM
Callbacks (by invitation):
Tuesday October 25, 6:30 PM
Theatre Huntsville’s Studio Theatre @ Lowe Mill ARTS & Entertainment
2211 Seminole Dr, 2nd Floor S, Huntsville, AL 35805
For more information, questions or to read the script prior to auditions, please email us at
Character Breakdown:
All Characters are Black unless otherwise indicated.
KENT (SPOON) - age 31
Youngest son of the LeVay family. He has grown up with an artistic disposition in a family of doctors and lawyers. Though financially privileged, he has struggled to find his place in life and with his family
FLIP - age 36
Oldest son of Le Vay family. The "golden boy" who, with some compromises, has fallen in line with his father's expectations. He is an incorrigible ladies’ man.
JOE (DAD) - age 58
LeVay family patriarch. He is a well-intentioned man, who rules his family with a firm, loving hand. He, like Flip, has always had a way with women.
CHERYL - age 18
The daughter of the family maid. Pretty, bright, always well-intentioned. Cheryl has always had a crush on Flip.
TAYLOR - age 27
Kent’s fiancée. Daughter from an earlier marriage of renowned, recently deceased, public intellectual, James Bradley Scott. She was raised by a single mother college professor. Though she carries his name, and so has had entree to some social privileges, her father was not a part of her life. She also has gone without financially.
KIMBER- age 32, White
Flip’s girlfriend. Kimber is an intelligent woman with a quick wit and sincere warmth. Unlike Taylor, her social status matches that of the LeVays, with of course, the undeniable privilege of whiteness. Of this she is aware, and on some level appalled.
Performance Dates:
March 17-26, 2023, Von Braun Center Playhouse
Stick Fly follows the LeVays, an affluent African American family who come together to spend a weekend at their stately Martha's Vineyard mansion. The adult sons, aspiring novelist Kent and golden boy plastic surgeon Flip, have each brought their respective ladies (one black and one white) to meet the parents. Food, drink and Trivial Pursuit tangle with class, race and identity politics in this contemporary comedy of manners.
Winner! 2010 LA Drama Critics Circle Awards: Best Production, Best Direction, Best Ensemble Performance
Presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals for Samuel French Inc.
Recommended for older teens and up | Adult language and situations